युवा उद्योजिका आणि हौशी लेखिका हेमांगी कुळकर्णी सांगतेय अस्सल मराठमोळ्या पदार्थांचा दुकानांपर्यंतचा प्रवास …
For Lunch order before 11:00 AM | For Dinner order before 06:00 PM
युवा उद्योजिका आणि हौशी लेखिका हेमांगी कुळकर्णी सांगतेय अस्सल मराठमोळ्या पदार्थांचा दुकानांपर्यंतचा प्रवास …
Leena Dixit loves to cook during his school days. Hotel management is what uncles engineering is all about. Reads that their word is not. Has worked in corporate organizations for thirteen years. Participated in the Women’s Startup Program in IIM Bangalore. No more courage. He thought his dreams would not come true otherwise. Sharpened his thoughts. While serving home cooking, she has often been passionate about providing employment for women. Native Chepi, an online cooking platform started in Nagpur in 3018, specializes in Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Party Moghlai and South Indian cuisines. It stands as a fine employment for housewives who have a good grasp of dishes. It is enough to register the fish, believing that business skills are required along with cooking and training them before hiring trees
Nativ Chefs is a multicuisine digital platform for traditional and native delicacies made by home chefs and delivered to customers at their doorsteps with just a click.
Nativ Chefs won 2nd place at the NICE Aarohana Business Plan Competition (BPC) – Early Stage. Featuring the Nativ Chefs story on NICE Stories.
“In the world of fusion and innovation, people are moving away from their origin. In spite of the diversity of Indian food, nativity is vanishing. Home chefs have exceptional culinary skills but do not have a platform to showcase it,” explains Leena Dixit, Founder of NativChefs, in a chat with YourStory.
Food start-up Nativ Chefs brought laurels to the city by securing the second position in the national competition for Best Bussiness Plan organized by Nice Aarohana. India’s first and only Business Plan Competition was organized for cultural enterprises where in Nativ Chefs from Nagpur had participated in the food and beverages among the five focus categories.
पाक कला में निपुण महिलाओं को जब प्लेटफॉर्म मिला, तो मानों जैसे उन्होंने आसमां में ऊंची उड़ान भर ली| अब उनका फूड न केवल हमारे शहर तक सीमित रह गया, बल्कि उनके बनाए मेथी के लडडू, ड्राय फ्रूट के लडडू, तिल गुड़ की बर्फी विदेश तक भी पहुंच गए हैं|
थालीपीठ खावं तर मावशींनी बनवलेलं. पुरण पोळी खावं तर आत्याने केलेली. ती खूपच चविष्ट करते. असच काही तरी घराघरात ऐकायला मिळते.
It has been an intriguing journey for Nagpur based Leena Dixit. It was in 2018 when Leena got shortlisted in a Women’s Start up program and decided to take her idea of Nativ Chefs ahead.
Nagpur: HR professional Ketan Raut returned to Nagpur from his hometown as his company resumed office work from September.
The passion for food made this mother of two kids leave her high paying job and test the entrepreneurship