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An Aspiring Chef.

I owe my cooking skills as an ode to the versatility of Maharashtrian cuisine, as I embark upon the trademark dishes of my motherland. I am particularly proud of the vast plethora of flavors that my native land has to offer, as it ranges from mild to strong. I like to indulge particularly in the non-vegetarian fare. My daughters are the best judges of the taste of the food that I make. I have great support from my husband and mother in law. I am very happy to be a part of Native Chefs. I feel NativChefs is a harbinger that has heralded the dawn of a new era, where homemakers are at the helm of greater responsibilities. It has helped them to be a torchbearer, spearheading a profound boost, hereby changing their perception by society. It has opened the flood gates of opportunities for the home maker to leverage. She feels through this platform they are not only able to earn monetary benefits but also intangible benefits like a unique identity to flaunt.

I firmly believe that my home and children are my pride. I can vouch for this fact. This is because every fruit is known by its tree. Hence, roots matter so much. Our food largely defines our identity. I believe that cook is artisans of divine food. NativChef is a den of culinary wizards and a true paradise for a food connoisseur. I am very pleased to be part of NativChef Community. Welcoming myself on board!

Way to go, NativChefs!!!

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“Bake” Someone Happy

Chef Jennifer is originally from Mumbai. She was born and brought up in the city of dreams. She hails from a humble middle-class Catholic family in Goa. As for her alma mater, she has completed her graduation in commerce ( Her affair with the art of cooking began by observing her mother and grandmother conjure their magic in the kitchen. Especially on festive occasions. Coming from a background of culinary expertise helped her learn the ropes of the craft. Her grandmother was famous for her nonvegetarian fare, whereas her mother was more inclined towards cakes and desserts. Ms. Jennifer gravitated towards baking, as it fascinated her.

After her marriage, she shifted her base to Nagpur. She continued her passion for baking cakes. But as a hobby only. Her children drooled over her traditional recipes as well as innovative trysts. Her relatives and friends with a sweet tooth started coaxing her to make cakes for them. Such was her acumen and skill. Soon the word of mouth spread and she started getting orders. Her son suggested her to harness her skill, and turn it into a home-based business. Also, to give it a more professional touch. This hatched the plan for “Lulu’s cakes”. Lulu, being Jennifer’s nickname.

Ms. Jennifer is a versatile and professional baker. Lulu’s cakes are an ideal “umbrella haven” for the cake lover. Ms. Jennifer’s clientele spans across the length and breadth of Nagpur. The bouquets of praises have not stopped pouring from every corner, ever since. This gives her immense satisfaction and joy. Ms. Jennifer dotes on “tea time” cakes. These are her signature. She definitely belongs to a distinguished class of Avant Garde bakers in the city.

“Happiness is knowing that there is a cake in the oven. A cake in the mouth is worth two on the plate. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.”

She avers, adding wit to flavor.

Bravo to “Lulu’s cakes”. We highly recommend this indulgence!