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Rice and its Many Flavors

Did you know that the stones of the Great Wall of China are held together with sticky rice? Workers apparently mixed calcium carbonate with rice to make a porridge and used it as mortar to lay stones! Well, if it can hold a mighty 21000 kilometer long wall together, we have no further questions on its ‘super’ food status.

Rice is by far the most versatile staple food. There is a rice dish for every mood! Want something spicy? Have biryani. Craving for something sweet? Have Kheer. Had a bad day and need comfort? Dal-Chawal to your rescue! This one cereal grain is used ingeniously in multiple cuisines- in a Sikkimese kitchen to make their savory-sweet flatbread Sel Roti, or in a South, Indian kitchen to make our beloved Idlis and Dosas.

Today, come with us as we explore the many rice variations across North-Eastern, Central and Southern kitchens of India.

North-eastern cuisine – its picturesque location and Instagram-worthy holiday pictures, there is a lot about this region that we still don’t know- including its cuisine. For instance, did you know that this region alone is the largest contributor of tea to our country?

Since 70% of their terrain is covered by hills and receives heavy rainfall, north-easterners rely heavily on rice; seafood, and meat (chicken, geese, pork, and beef) being their major source of protein. Although not spicy, their cuisine is hot. Although not oily, their food is fatty., a Laddu made from puffed rice and sugarcane syrup is a traditional dish of Manipur; while Apong, a healthy drink made from rice and millets is a local favorite of Arunachal Pradesh. Here, you will also find powdered rice used in Wungwut Ngam- a slow-cooked chicken side dish flavored with local spices.,-rice-based-khasi-delicacy.jpgSteering towards Nagaland, Assam, and Meghalaya- one will find the tastiest varieties of seasoned and dry-aged pork in their kitchens for round-the-year usage. Dishes thus prepared are often served with steaming hot rice and use plenty of ginger, garlic, and Bhut Jhalokia- the spiciest chillies in the world. The most beloved dish of Meghalaya is ‘Jadoh’, a type of pork biryani cooked in its fat with a different set of spices. Assamese, although not big on meat, widely use chicken, fish and duck meat in their diet along with rice, of course!

Central and eastern India kitchen-

People living in the heart of our country are huge fans of rice, with many dishes being common between states. Rice is a major part of their diets, right from breakfast to dinner. For instance- Poha, which is rapidly gaining national popularity, has its roots tied in Indore Madhya Pradesh, and Bhajias are a Chhattisgarhi native! known as the rice bowl of India, Chattisgarhi cuisine revolves around rice dishes. Although it has many dishes to offer, their most famous contribution to breakfast- the Mona-Lisa of breakfast if you may- is the rice Chila. Made from rice and Urad dal batter, this is a quick, light and healthy start to your day. Other must-try dishes are Farra and Dubki Kadhi Chawal.

Talking about famous contributions, one can hardly overlook Maccher Jhol and Bangali Chingri curry that go just as well with steamed rice. Hailing from West Bengal and Orissa, these stand out dishes are packed with their quintessential flavors of turmeric, garlic and mustard oil. Another must- try from the eastern kitchen is Litti Chokha from Jharkhand and Bihar. (It doesn’t have rice, we just love Litti Chokha!)

South Indian cuisine-

www.nativchefs.comWhile rice definitely forms the base for almost all south Indian dishes, the cuisine, however, is packed with spicy flavors. They have Pulihaara (tamarind rice), Pesarattu (rice batter pancake), Bisi Bele Bhaat (rice dish cooked with spices and vegetables) and the oh-so-famous Hyderabadi Biryani– all having their distinguished taste.

The rice we find while traveling down south is fluffier and lighter. It is a common practice in south India to strain the water from rice mid-cooking, which removes excess starch from it. This is also the reason why they don’t feel sleepy after a hearty lunch! Rasam, curry, and curd are some of their favorite accompaniments to have with rice- curries can be both vegetarian and meat-based. most famous curry from Tamil Nadu- Chettinad chicken curry is a spicy blend of coconut, black peppercorns, and red chilies. This curry is also amongst one of the spiciest in our country!



Want to try these dishes and more? Hop over to our menu to try the taste of India!

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Ginger: Natural Ambrosia

We all use ginger in conjunction with garlic in everyday cookery. But, few people are aware of the fact that this wonder herb is capable of much more than we know. Let us dig in this conundrum.

Ginger is a perennial herb with underground branching stems called rhizomes which are swollen and tough. They are white or yellow outside and become grey-brown or orange with age, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. The leaves and rhizomes have a characteristic fragrant odor when cut or bruised. Rhizomes are dug out after the leafy parts are dried. They are sold as fresh ginger in the vegetable market or are peeled, sliced and dried. The sun-dried ginger is commonly known as “sount” in India.


Ginger is believed to have originated in India. It was introduced in China at a very early date. It appears to have been used as a spice and medicine by the Indians and the Chinese. Indian Vedas and Chinese medical treaties bear numerous mention of the herb. It has also been mentioned by Dioscorides and Pliny, who are stalwarts in the field of natural medicine. Owing to the easy transport of the rhizomes, the herb spawned to all tropical countries. China, India, and Taiwan are the major producers of ginger. The ginger grown in Kerala is brilliant in aroma and taste.

Ginger is available in two forms. Namely, fresh and dried. Both are equally nutritive. As the taste of ginger is not palatable, subtle means have been adopted to gloss it over. It is put in vegetables as a flavour enhancer. The dried ginger may be scraped or peeled before drying. It is esteemed for its the pungent aroma and medicinal value.



It is regarded as “ Maha Aushadhi”, meaning great medicine in Indian Vedas. Ancient physicians used ginger as anti fermenting medicine. It was used to treat the defective humor of the body. It as an aid in paralysis caused by a phlegmatic imbalance in the body. Centuries ago, it was used in
the treatment of gout. Ginger is widely popular in local medicines in the far east. It helps to relieve the gas problem and is called as a carminative.

Ginger is highly helpful in stomach disorders like dyspepsia, flatulence, colic vomiting, spasms, and other painful bowels. Chewing a piece of ginger after meals are considered an antidote for many ailments.
Moreover, vomiting due to biliousness and nausea can be cured by taking ginger, fresh lime and mint juice along with little honey. This is also useful for morning sickness and indigestion due to heavy nonvegetarian food, as well as jaundice and piles.


Small pieces of ginger boiled in water, strained and then added with sugar is an effective remedy for colds and fevers. It should be consumed hot.


Ginger juice along with fenugreek decoction and honey is considered is “diaphoretic” mixture that reduces sweating in influenza and fevers. It also acts as an expectorant in bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and tuberculosis of lungs.


Ginger is an excellent analgesic and natural remedy for headaches, toothaches, and ear canal infections.


Ginger infusion sweetened with sugar is prescribed as a natural remedy for dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea due to cold exposure.
We can concur that ginger is an entire medicine cabinet in itself.
So, don’t wait. Grab a bite of this fabled herb!

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A mom, a chef and an entrepreneur who made it happen

Stories nourish the mind. There are stories that captivate you and there are stories that completely engulf you in their realm and leave a permanent impact on your heart. One such is the story of Chitra Soni, a woman who dared to dream and created a pathway of success for herself and thousands of others who follow her. Here’s an excerpt of our conversation with her.

When I joined hotel management college in 1970, the course was recently introduced in the country and was not that popular among women. Thus I was one of the 5 girls in the class of 100, but I discovered my passion for cooking and enjoyed every bit of it. After the graduation I was placed at ‘The Taj Group’ Mumbai and my joy had no bounds. I was living my fairy-tale, but then unexpectedly due to my father’s transfer we had to shift. I had to leave my promising job, dreams and fairytale back in Mumbai and move to this new city which did not even have a single big hotel, Nagpur.

This transformation hit me really hard and I was exhausted mentally. I had qualifications, experience but no opportunity to showcase my talent. Some months passed by and there was an opening for the post of lecturer in LED college which had introduced HMC recently, I went to the interview and to my surprise I was the only candidate present there who had relevant qualifications! But this journey carved my future as I discovered if there was something I loved more than cooking it was teaching how to cook!

Things were going smoothly, I also met the man of my dreams and we decided to marry, but after marriage, I had to resign from my job due to family commitments. I was clueless once again. One fine day my father in law asked me ‘What are you doing these days?’ to which I retorted ‘Nothing much’. He asked ‘Why don’t you start doing something from the house itself?’ and I grabbed this opportunity as hard as I could and started my journey by opening the first cooking classes in Nagpur, ‘RUCHIRA’ in 1975. I just had 6 students for my first batch, and last year in 2018 when I decided to finally end my journey of Ruchira I had already trained 1,00,000+ students! The proudest moment for me was when I was called ‘Ruchira Aunty’. I was successful in creating a brand. It took hard work, consistency, and dedication from every moment of my life. Today when I look back I see a scholar, employee of a five star hotel, a teacher, a housewife, and an entrepreneur and most importantly a satisfied and happy human being who has lived her life to the fullest and if you think this is the end of my career, you are wrong. I have just begun my journey as an adviser. So all the women out there, there is nothing such as happy ending to your fairytale as you are your fairy who can write her own tales!”

Kudos to her journey as a loving mom, an exceptional chef, and a successful entrepreneur

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Garlic: The Wonder Herb

“Garlic is a complete pharmacopeia in itself.”

Happy Garlic Day to all our esteemed readers.Did you know that those small bulbs of garlic conceal a host of highly healing and medicinal properties? Garlic is one of the most ancient medicine that has heralded the dawn of medicine, not only in India but all over the world. Let us probe further and get to the bottom of the matter:


The Mesopotamians:

They ate garlic and drank it with wine as a tonic to ward off disease.

The Egyptians:

They  formulated ancient papyrus document called “Ebers Codex” written in 1550 BC which gives twenty two uses of garlic including treatment for heart problems, tumours, headaches, worms and bites.

Ancient Greek:

Here, garlic was given to athletes before Olympics, soldiers before battles as per Homers Odyssey published in 1000 bBC. Hippocrates, known as the “Father of Medicine” called it a wonder herb, recommending it for infections, wounds, cancer, leprosy and digestive problems. Dioscorides known as the “ Father of Pharmacy” ,prescribed it in Material Medica for snake bites, dog bites, toxic poisoning due to the sting of bees and scorpions. Roman gladiators chewed garlic before combats. Pling, the Elder called it as an antidote for any type of poisoning.

Chinese medicine:

It is the most developed herbal medicine in the world. It consists of classic formulas more than hundreds of thousands years old. Garlic called “da suan” in the Chinese jargon, has a special mention in “Collection of Commentaires on the Classic of Material Medica” published in 500 AD and “Vegetables as Medicine”. Here, it is prescribed for common cold, whooping cough, dysentery and boils.


According to this school of medicine, garlic effects each of the constitutional types, namely Pitta, Vata and Kalpha. It increases the fiery nature of Pitta, spacy, spasmodic  and airy nature of Vata,cleans mucous and opens up obstructed channels of Kalpha.

Unani Tibb:

It is the branch of medicine from the Muslim world. Hakim Ibn Sina is the father of this medicine and in Canon of Medicine published in 900 BC, garlic is recommended for intestinal problems, food poisoning, dysentery, asthma and whooping cough.

European Herbalism:

Garlic has been touted as the cradle of civilization and extensive research has been conducted on garlic in German Phytotherapy(Plant Medicine), spearheaded by Hildegard von Bingen. It is used in the preparation of “Four Thieves Vinegar” and “Galen’s wine” which are used as poultice for wounds and injuries during the medieval period.


These can be elucidated as follows:

Anti asthmatic: Eases constricted breathing.

Anti inflammatory and blood thinning properties.

Anti epileptic: Reduces severity of convulsions.

Antiseptic: Fights infections in digestive and respiratory tracts.

Antispasmodic: Combats cramping and pains.

Anthelmintic: Kills germs and intestinal worms.

Carminative: Expels gas

Diaphoretic: Promotes sweating and circulation.

Diuretic: Promotes urination.

Emmenagogue: Promotes menstruation.

Expectorant: Promotes flow of mucus.

Rubefacient: Fight skin irritation.

Tonic: Boosts immunity and overall health.


The following are the side effects that might result if the usage is not within the limits of  discretion :

  1. Bloating and gas.
  2. Feelings of heat
  3. Digestive irritation
  4. Heaviness in head
  5. Aggravation of pain
  6. Increase in urine(diuretic)
  7. Dull eyesight
  8. Headache
  9. Nausea
  10. Flushed face
  11. Garlic breath and excessive sweating.


Capsules and tablets, oils(steam distilled and macerated), chest rub and plaster, compress(hot and cold), cooked garlic, raw garlic, decoction, douche, enema, poultice, infusion in wine and vinegar, juice, nose drops, poultices and tinctures.

We can thus conclude that the appeal of garlic is universal and its versatility needs no further attestation. It displays the broadest spectrum of medicinal properties and is like a medicine chest all by itself. So don’t wait, grab this ambrosia right away!

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IIM-N’s prog helps 10 women come up with unique start-ups…unique-start-ups/

Nagpur : Leena Dixit has started her own online food delivery restaurant “Nativ Chefs”. She currently heads a team of 16 chefs and the number is set to increase soon. “IIM-N’s WSP helped me to realize my potential and become independent,” she says

Like her, nine more women forayed into entrepreneurship after completing the WSP. On Saturday, they interacted with the media and IIm students to share their success stories.